Is Clinton’s health less important than Trump’s?

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What do we know about Mrs. Clinton’s health? We know that she has suffered two deep vein thromboses and an episode of cerebral venous thrombosis. Blood spontaneously clotting within one’s veins on three separate occasions is not a good thing. In fact, it is life-threatening. This tells us that she has a hypercoagulable state requiring the use of Coumadin (a “blood thinner”) for the rest of her life to try to prevent this from happening again. While Coumadin may prevent future blood clots, it can also lead to dangerous hemorrhage if she has any future trauma.

We also know that she suffered a concussion and, according to her husband, she took 6 months to recover. how do we know she recovered?

We also know from the Clinton camp that Mrs. Clinton has had a right transverse venous sinus thrombosis. This has been described as a blood clot in her brain, but that is not accurate. more specifically, it is a blood clot that formed in one of the two major veins that drain blood from the brain.

Dr. Gerard Dr. Gianoli explains in details the health of the two presidental candidates and why this is important for voters. I am honored to feature the article, Is Clinton’s health less important than Trump’s?
by Gerard J. Gianoli, M.D. one of America’s top doctors.

Cascia Talbert

Is Clinton’s health less important than Trump’s?

by Gerard J. Gianoli, M.D.

Imagine, if you would, that tomorrow Donald Trump suffers a concussion. suppose he trips on a flight of stairs, falling down and hitting his head. The head injury is so severe that he is unconscious for a time and has to be hospitalized for a week. After getting out of the hospital, the Trump campaign tells us that he has fully recovered and that there are no lingering effects of the head trauma. during the following weeks, he is seen in public to wear glasses with a Fresnel lens on one side. He also seems to have trouble maintaining his balance, loses his thoughts in the middle of speeches, and has episodes of spasmodic movements suggestive of seizures.

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In this imaginary scenario, would it surprise anyone if the media became skeptical and pressed for release of Mr. Trump’s medical records? would it surprise anyone if the Clinton campaign made an issue of Mr. Trump’s health status during speeches and in TV ads? would the media cry “foul” over the Clinton campaign doing so? I think the answers to these questions are self-evident. The media and the Clinton campaign would be all over this like white on rice and no one would question the appropriateness of their actions.

To my knowledge, Mr. Trump has had no such issues with his health. However, Mrs. Clinton has had multiple problems—some she has revealed and some that she has not revealed.

So why has the media not been asking Mrs. Clinton to release her medical records? Is her health status less important than Mr. Trump’s?

What do we know about Mrs. Clinton’s health? We know that she has suffered two deep vein thromboses and an episode of cerebral venous thrombosis. Blood spontaneously clotting within one’s veins on three separate occasions is not a good thing. In fact, it is life-threatening. This tells us that she has a hypercoagulable state requiring the use of Coumadin (a “blood thinner”) for the rest of her life to try to prevent this from happening again. While Coumadin may prevent future blood clots, it can also lead to dangerous hemorrhage if she has any future trauma.

We also know that she she suffered a concussion and, according to her husband, she took 6 months to recover. how do we know she recovered? If she was a high school athlete, she would have had mandatory neuropsychological testing before being allowed to participate in sports again. given that being the leader of the free world is more important than playing goalie for the local high school, why is the mainstream media not demanding to see Mrs. Clinton’s post-concussion testing?

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We also know from the Clinton camp that Mrs. Clinton has had a right transverse venous sinus thrombosis. This has been described as a blood clot in her brain, but that is not accurate. more specifically, it is a blood clot that formed in one of the two major veins that drain blood from the brain. Coumadin was prescribed, not toRozpustite zrazeninu (nebude), ale zabrániť tomu, aby sa zrazenina rozšírila na druhý priečny žilový sínus, čo by mohlo viesť k smrti. Právo priečna zrazenina sínus sama osebe spôsobí dlhodobé následky. Pretože z mozgu existujú iba dve žily, ktoré odvádzajú krv z mozgu, vedie k zvýšenému intrakraniálnemu tlaku, ktorý pre týchto pacientov zostane celoživotným problémom.

Aké sú príznaky zvýšeného intrakraniálneho tlaku? Najbežnejšie sú bolesti hlavy, vizuálne problémy a závraty/rovnováha. Vieme, že pani Clintonová mala všetky tri. Menej často známe sú „mozgové hmly“, problémy s koncentráciou a problémy s krátkodobou pamäťou. znie povedome?

Prečo sa médiá nepýtali na zdravotné záznamy pani Clintonovej tak agresívne, ako to urobili, keď mal kandidát GOP John McCain rakovinu kože? Čo ukazujú jej kontroly, ktoré sa prejavia v očných dielach a neurológoch? Mala nejaké neuropsychologické testovanie, ako sa bežne robí v traumatických prípadoch poranenia mozgu?

Z uniknutých e -mailov DNC tiež vieme, že niektoré z hlavných médií boli v tajnej dohode s Clintonovou kampaňou a Demokratickou stranou. Mohlo by to byť dôvod, prečo nevykonali problémy so zdravím pani Clintonovej? Toto je dôležitá otázka, ktorú je potrebné preskúmať pre každého kandidáta akejkoľvek politickej strany.

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O autorovi/prispievateľovi:

Gerard Gianoli, M. D., F.A.C.S. Špecializuje sa na operáciu neuro-otológie a lebky. Je v súkromnej praxi v Inštitúte Ear and Balance, ktorý sa nachádza v Covingtone v Louisiane, ale je tiež klinickým docentom na oddeleniach otolaryngológie a pediatrie na Lekárskej fakulte Univerzity Tulane. Priekopníkom ošetrenia nadradeného polkruhového kanála a iných vestibulárnych porúch. Jeho súkromná prax má celosvetový dosah, pričom sprostredkovanie pacientov prichádzajú z celého Spojených štátov a z celého sveta. Medzi jeho výskumné záujmy patrí diagnóza zvýšeného intrakraniálneho tlaku a v štúdii NASA bol spoluinvestizátorom, ktorá viedla použitie neinvazívneho zariadenia na monitorovanie intrakraniálneho tlaku na Medzinárodnej vesmírnej stanici.

Gianoli sa v roku 2001 rozhodol z Medicare a od roku 2005 mal 100% bezplatnú prax tretích strán. Prednášal a napísal intenzívne (ako aj početné mediálne rozhovory) o lekárskych praktikách bezplatných tretích strán a medicíne voľného trhu. Jeho úvodníky sa objavili v Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, The Hill a ďalších populárnych periodikách.

Získal množstvo ocenení, vrátane ceny Americkej akadémie otolaryngológie Cena a každý rok bol pomenovaný v najlepších amerických lekároch a najlepších amerických lekárov od ich založenia v rokoch 2001 a 2003. Gianoli praktizuje všetky aspekty neuro-otologie, ale má osobitný záujem o vestibulárne (rovnovážné) poruchy. Skúmal, prednášal a publikoval intenzívne tému vestibulárnych porúch. Webová stránka:

*Obrázky s láskavým dovolením

Odkaz na tento príspevok: Je zdravie Clintona menej dôležité ako Trump?


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